Spokane - Page 2

Leyna Krow blends the unimaginable with reality in new short story collection Sinkhole and Other Inexplicable Voids

click to enlarge Erick Doxey photo Spokane author Leyna Krow Imagine there was a cure...

Events in and around Spokane this weekend

Check out these five can't-miss events happening around the Inland Northwest this weekend.See even more events in our calendar listings. click...

Can AI channel the best of human creativity? The Spokane Symphony teams up with a local tech firm to pose that question.

click to enlarge Image courtesy IntelliTect Audiences can interact with the concert via a custom app. ...

Kimber Follevaag takes an unconventional, contemporary approach to fiber art

click to enlarge Young Kwak photo Kimber Follevaag's woven art pieces are one-of-a-kind. | young kwak photos...

Q&A: Aussie stand-up comedian Jim Jefferies is fine being a bit of an arse

click to enlarge Art Streiber photo Noted rambunctious raconteur, Jim Jefferies. While stand-up comedians...

Nan Drye’s ecoprinted creations showcase the power of plants in the world of fiber arts

click to enlarge Young Kwak photo Nan Drye poses uses naturally foraged materials to make her eco-printed...

The Spokane Handweavers’ Guild’s 77-year legacy perseveres in members’ beautifully handwoven textiles

click to enlarge Leslie Douglas Photo A selection of handwoven items — scarves, kitchen towels, lanyards, table...

A passion for the environment led Elyse Hochstadt to creating detailed felt sculptures

TOP LEFT: "The River of Tears" was collaboratively created in an art workshop Hochstadt led last year.    Photo courtesy Elyse Hochstadt" class="uk-display-block uk-position-relative...

Contemporary fiber art is making its way into local art spaces now more than ever

click to enlarge Leslie Douglas photo Scarves made by members of the Spokane Handweavers' Guild. ...

Spokane’s newest zine, college football coaching transitions; plus, new music!

click to enlarge HAVE YOU ZINE THIS? Spokane's Office of Neighborhood Services is launching a...

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