Watch: Saying goodbye to a KOMO legend

On Oct. 10, 1959, Bryan Johnson joined KOMO News. In the more than five decades since, he’s become an irreplaceable part of our newsroom.

In the course of a career that can only be described as epic, his brains helped make him good, but his zest for this business and joy for telling stories made him great.

Bryan is retiring today, and he leaves at the top of his game. He is admired, loved and respected by all of us at KOMO.

We hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video tribute above to Bryan

On Oct. 10, 1959, Bryan Johnson joined KOMO News. In the more than five decades since, he’s become an irreplaceable part of our newsroom.

In the course of a career that can only be described as epic, his brains helped make him good, but his zest for this business and joy for telling stories made him great.

Bryan is retiring today, and he leaves at the top of his game. He is admired, loved and respected by all of us at KOMO.

We hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video tribute above to Bryan and look back at his amazing career.

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