The New Yorker makes fun of Amazon commenters

The New Yorker makes fun of Amazon commenters

If you, like me, immediately skip to the review thread on, you’ll appreciate this piece of satire recently posted to the New Yorker online. The column lampoons all those oddly emphatic negative comments people leave; I must assume it’s a cathartic experience for some.

In a humor column, writer Bob Odenkirk taps into those curmudgeonly commenters who seem to feel so deeply betrayed by books they’ve purchased online.

“If you’re ever feeling bad about yourself, like you don’t ‘measure up

The New Yorker makes fun of Amazon commenters

If you, like me, immediately skip to the review thread on, you’ll appreciate this piece of satire recently posted to the New Yorker online. The column lampoons all those oddly emphatic negative comments people leave; I must assume it’s a cathartic experience for some.

In a humor column, writer Bob Odenkirk taps into those curmudgeonly commenters who seem to feel so deeply betrayed by books they’ve purchased online.

“If you’re ever feeling bad about yourself, like you don’t ‘measure up’ or you won’t ever achieve greatness, I offer you this simple solution,”  Odenkirk writes. “Go online and write negative reviews. Here are a few I have written that cheered me on down days…”

The best might be his review of the Bible, King James edition. Here it is:

One Star, Because I couldn’t give it NONE!!

First of all, I am a fan of ALL of King James’s writing. I love all of his books, even the ones he didn’t personally write. But somehow I’d missed this one. Spoiler Alert—it Sucks!! Question: What was King James thinking?! Answer: He wasn’t!! Meaningless drivel packaged in sluggish prose! Passages filled with crazy rules about taking slaves and wifely duties—whatever the hell those are! Then, a whole second book of conflicting tall tales about some character named “Jesu-something-or-other”. He thought he was God, he was God, I’m God, you’re God, I dunno—you figure it out. What a disaster. King James’s editor was asleep at the switch for this one! I want my thirty-two days back!

Thanks, Amazon, for all the entertainment.

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