How Seattle ranks at eating and drinking

Seattle is definitely an eating town.

That’s according to real estate site, which used census data to create a map of which metro regions across the country are hubs for restaurants and bars.

“We didn’t try to measure quality since that’s a matter of personal taste, and the best-restaurant or favorite-bar debate can get fierce,” writes Jed Kolko on the Trulia blog. “Instead, we focused on the quantity of restaurants and bars that locals can choose from.”

The company’s analysis found S

Seattle is definitely an eating town.

That’s according to real estate site, which used census data to create a map of which metro regions across the country are hubs for restaurants and bars.

“We didn’t try to measure quality since that’s a matter of personal taste, and the best-restaurant or favorite-bar debate can get fierce,” writes Jed Kolko on the Trulia blog. “Instead, we focused on the quantity of restaurants and bars that locals can choose from.”

The company’s analysis found Seattle ranked fifth in the nation for metros that eat out at restaurants, behind San Francisco, Fairfield County in Connecticut, Long Island and New York City. The ranking compares the number of restaurants to  the number of households.

Here’s a heat map that shows the nation’s hotspots for eating out.

How Seattle ranks at eating and drinking

Seattle’s not too shabby in the restaurant department, huh?

And here’s the country in terms of bars.

How Seattle ranks at eating and drinking

Looks like Seattle is losing to Portland and surrounding parts of Oregon in this category. The nation’s top drinking city was New Orleans, followed by Milwaukee and Omaha.

But we’re still doing OK — we have these great bars, after all.

Best bars in Seattle

For all of Seattle’s restaurants, there aren’t many folks might consider exclusive — or overly tough to snag a table. Here are a few restaurants that buck that trend.

Make reservations or else…

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Visit’s home page for more Seattle news. Contact Amy Rolph at [email protected]. Find more of her stories on Twitter via @amyrolph and @bigblog or subscribe to her updates on Facebook.

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