What are Washington County’s long-term transportation needs?

How should Washington County’s transportation system accommodate growth 50 years from now? Should the planning focus more on light rail and bike lanes rather than widening existing roads? Should a new major road be built?

These are some of the questions that might be asked – and answered – in the Washington County Transportation Study, an overview of the county’s transportation needs in the next 20 to 50 years.

County staff is seeking the public’s feedback from now until Jan. 28, 2014. Residents

How should Washington County’s transportation system accommodate growth 50 years from now? Should the planning focus more on light rail and bike lanes rather than widening existing roads? Should a new major road be built?

These are some of the questions that might be asked – and answered – in the Washington County Transportation Study, an overview of the county’s transportation needs in the next 20 to 50 years.

County staff is seeking the public’s feedback from now until Jan. 28, 2014. Residents can submit comments on the project’s website, send letters to the Washington County Department of Land Use and Transportation, or emails to wcts@co.washington.or.us.

“It’s really big picture, an opportunity to think big” about transportation planning, said Andrew Singelakis, the county’s director of Land Use and Transportation.

Oregon Legislature approved the $1.5 million study at the end of last session. The City of Hillsboro had initially applied for funding, but legislators gave it to the county instead.

The study is now in its first phase, of gathering public feedback. By the end of spring, county staff plans to select a consultant and an advisory committee to act like a “sounding board” going forward, said spokesman Stephen Roberts.

By fall, the study’s team would review previous transportation studies and plans, including the Western Bypass Study. The 1989 study looked into the potential construction of a freeway starting from Wilsonville, through Hillsboro, and crossing U.S. 26 up to U.S. 30. It would have formed a loop west of Portland, similarly to I-205 on the east side.

The Western Bypass Study concluded a freeway was not needed, and instead suggested a series of other transportation improvements, including light rail construction and widening existing roads.

In the 25 years since that study was completed, transportation patterns have changed in Washington County, which has seen more bicycles and a light rail MAX line, Singelakis said.

By the summer of 2015, the new study would have several investment scenarios to bring to the community. The study’s final phase – of sharing results with policy makers and residents – would take place in the fall of 2015.

The results might inform future updates of the Washington County Transportation System Plan, which maps out the projects that can subsequently be funded and built.

— Simina Mistreanu

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