Timberlake, Perry set for Vegas event in September


NEW YORK (AP) – Justin Timberlake, Elton John and Katy Perry are among the A-list performers set for this year’s iHeartRadio music festival in Las Vegas.

Clear Channel announced the performers Monday. Chris Brown, Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, Keith Urban, Miguel, J. Cole and fun. will also perform at the two-day festival Sept. 20-21 at MGM Grand Garden Arena. Ryan Seacrest will host.

“We try to cover every genre our stations play with


NEW YORK (AP) – Justin Timberlake, Elton John and Katy Perry are among the A-list performers set for this year’s iHeartRadio music festival in Las Vegas.

Clear Channel announced the performers Monday. Chris Brown, Bruno Mars, Maroon 5, Keith Urban, Miguel, J. Cole and fun. will also perform at the two-day festival Sept. 20-21 at MGM Grand Garden Arena. Ryan Seacrest will host.

“We try to cover every genre our stations play with the lineup,” said Tom Poleman of Clear Channel. “Someone like Elton John has been an icon on our radio stations for years, and for him to the take the stage alongside people like Justin Timberlake and Katy Perry I think really speaks to what makes the festival unique.”

Tickets for the third annual festival go on sale Saturday.

The event will also include a festival dubbed iHeartRadio Music Festival Village. It will feature performances on two stages from Miley Cyrus, Avril Lavigne, Jason Derulo, Cher Lloyd and others. Tickets for that event are $20.

The festival will air live across Clear Channel’s radio stations and as a two-night special on the CW Network on Sept. 30-Oct. 1.

Muse, Tiesto, Phoenix, Zedd, Tim McGraw, Ke$ha, Thirty Seconds to Mars, Benny Benassi and Queen with Adam Lambert will also perform during the main show.



iHeartRadio music festival: http://festival.iheart.com/


Follow Mesfin Fekadu on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MusicMesfin

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