Nisga’a-backed pipeline to begin early work this month

The dust has not yet settled on the $14.5 billion Coastal GasLink pipeline construction project, and regulators are turning their attention to another multibillion-dollar B.C. natural gas pipeline proposal.

The Prince Rupert Gas Transmission (PRGT) pipeline and its associated Ksi Lisims LNG project north of Prince Rupert are shaping up to be B.C.’s next energy mega-projects, at a scale similar to the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline and $18 billion LNG Canada project in Kitimat.

With an estimated capital cost of $9.4 billion, Ksi Lisims—a floating LNG plant—would produce 12 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas annually (compared to LNG Canada’s 14 million tonnes). It does not yet have an

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