How US states fared on jobless aid applications

The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted 367,000, a level consistent with only modest hiring.

Here are the states with the biggest changes in applications. The state data are for the week ended Sept. 22, one week behind the national data.

States with the biggest increases:

Mississippi: Up 3,314, due to people unable to work because of Hurricane Isaac.

Ohio: Up 1,975, due to layoffs in the auto industry.

Michigan, up 1,179, no reason given.

States with the

The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose to a seasonally adjusted 367,000, a level consistent with only modest hiring.

Here are the states with the biggest changes in applications. The state data are for the week ended Sept. 22, one week behind the national data.

States with the biggest increases:

Mississippi: Up 3,314, due to people unable to work because of Hurricane Isaac.

Ohio: Up 1,975, due to layoffs in the auto industry.

Michigan, up 1,179, no reason given.

States with the biggest decreases:

California: Down 13,527, due to fewer layoffs in service industries.

New York: Down 3,773, due to fewer layoffs in the construction, manufacturing and educational service industries.

North Carolina: Down 2,198, due to fewer layoffs in construction and manufacturing.

Indiana: Down 2,160, no reason given.

Virginia: Down 1,969, due to fewer layoffs in manufacturing.

South Carolina: Down 1,712, due to fewer layoffs in manufacturing.



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