Natalie Rieth - Page 1

4 Posts

Dog & Pony gallery opens doors for local artists seeking opportunity and community in the Spokane art scene

Young Kwak photo Dog & Pony owner Christopher Russell (right) and current show curator Kim Deater ...

The pieces may be small, but miniatures are a growing part of the craft scene

click to enlarge Young Kwak photo Bobbi Jo's skills on display. Last...

My first time … watching the hit period drama Downton Abbey

FROM LEFT: Sisters Lady Sybil, Lady Mary and Lady Edith of Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey has been on my watch list...

New MAC exhibit reflects on one of America's darkest chapters through the work of artist Takuichi Fujii

click to enlarge Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture One of Takiuchi Fujii's untitled works from a new show at the MAC. ...

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