John Timmer - Page 1

40 Posts

What the EPA’s “endangerment finding” is and why it’s being challenged

There were a couple of notable aspects to that last case, West Virginia v. EPA, which hinged on the fact that Congress had never explicitly...

“Wooly mice” a test run for mammoth gene editing

On Tuesday, the team behind the plan to bring mammoth-like animals back to the tundra announced the creation of what it is calling wooly mice,...

Turning the Moon into a fuel depot will take a lot of power

But, of course, you need to make the fuel there in the first place. The obvious choice for that is water, which can be split...

22 states sue to block new NIH funding policy—court puts it on hold

Regardless of what else they might be doing, the indirect costs pay for various critical campus services, including at research hospitals. Suddenly having that amount...

National Institutes of Health radically cuts support to universities

Grants paid by the federal government have two components. One covers the direct costs of performing the research, paying for salaries, equipment, and consumables like...

Qubit that makes most errors obvious now available to customers

We're nearing the end of the year, and there are typically a flood of announcements regarding quantum computers around now, in part because some companies...

IBM boosts the amount of computation you can get done on quantum hardware

By making small adjustments to the frequency that the qubits are operating at, it's possible to avoid these problems. This can be done when the...

RFK Jr. claims Trump promised to put him in charge of NIH, CDC, and more

Earlier this week, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. used a Zoom call to tell his supporters that Donald Trump had promised him "control" of the Department...

A how-to for ethical geoengineering research

Holistic climate justice: The guidelines recognize that geoengineering won't affect just those people currently residing on Earth, but on future generations as well. Some methods,...

De-extinction company provides a progress report on thylacine efforts

Ex utero? The final thing the company announced was that it was working on getting dunnart embryos to develop outside of the womb. Marsupials are...

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