Dan Goodin - Page 12

118 Posts

Inner workings revealed for “Predator,” the Android malware that exploited 5 0-days

Enlarge Smartphone malware sold to governments around the world can surreptitiously record voice calls and nearby audio, collect data from apps such...

Chinese state hackers infect critical infrastructure throughout the US and Guam

Enlargepeterschreiber.media | Getty Images A Chinese government hacking group has acquired a significant foothold inside critical infrastructure environments throughout the US and...

Here’s how long it takes new BrutePrint attack to unlock 10 different smartphones

EnlargeGetty Images Researchers have devised a low-cost smartphone attack that cracks the authentication fingerprint used to unlock the screen and perform other...

Potentially millions of Android TVs and phones come with malware preinstalled

Enlarge / Cybercriminals or anonymous hackers use malware on mobile phones to hack personal and business passwords online.Getty Images Overall, Android devices...

Malware turns home routers into proxies for Chinese state-sponsored hackers

EnlargeGetty Images Researchers on Tuesday unveiled a major discovery—malicious firmware that can wrangle a wide range of residential and small office routers...

Microsoft is scanning the inside of password-protected zip files for malware

Enlarge Microsoft cloud services are scanning for malware by peeking inside users’ zip files, even when they’re protected by a password, several...

Passkeys may not be for you, but they are safe and easy—here’s why

EnlargeAurich Lawson | Getty Images My recent feature on passkeys attracted significant interest, and a number of the 1,100-plus comments raised questions...

Leak of MSI UEFI signing keys stokes fears of “doomsday” supply chain attack

EnlargeAurich Lawson A ransomware intrusion on hardware manufacturer Micro-Star International, better known as MSI, is stoking concerns of devastating supply chain attacks...

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