Brooke Jackson-Glidden - Page 2

536 Posts

Ask Eater: Where Can I Go for Drag Brunch in Portland?

Welcome to Ask Eater, an Eater Portland column where the site’s editor and reporter answer questions from readers and friends. Have a question for us?...

This New Colombian Coffee Shop Will Transition Into a Vibey House Music Bar by Night

As a city that loves both its coffee and its cocktails, Portland was home to a surplus of combination cafe-bars historically. However, as staffing became...

The Workers at Fried Egg I’m In Love Are Organizing a Union

On Wednesday, May 1, employees of the Portland breakfast cafe Fried Egg I’m in Love began the process of forming a federally recognized union. The...

Ask Eater: How Would You Throw a Gluten-Free Takeout Brunch?

Welcome to Ask Eater, an Eater Portland column where the site’s editor and reporter answer questions from readers and friends. Have a question for us?...

Portlanders Are Buying and Selling Restaurant Reservations Online — But Is It Actually Worth It?

Compared to other major American cities, nabbing a reservation in Portland is far from a blood sport — with a few notable exceptions. Kann, the...

In-N-Out’s Portland-Area Expansion Plans, Explained

For the first 40 years of its existence, In-N-Out was a uniquely Californian phenomenon: The chain, known for its Double-Double burgers and no-longer-secret menu, originally...

Boxer Will Close All of Its Portland Ramen Shops After Service This Weekend

Boxer, the Portland-based ramen chain from restaurateur Micah Camden, will close all of its locations on Monday, April 29, after filing for bankruptcy earlier this...

A Guide to the Ultimate Staycation in Portland’s Central Eastside Neighborhood

As a city sandwiched between a world-class wine region and the Columbia River Gorge, Portland offers its residents unfettered access to either locale for weekend...

New Montavilla Bar Replicant Wants to Become the Record Nerd’s Watering Hole

Montavilla locals will soon be able to nurse a beer or a glass of Mexican wine while they shop for records. Replicant Bar and Bottle...

Some of Portland’s Hottest New Restaurants Aren’t Restaurants at All — They’re Bars

In the early 2000s, back when Portland’s restaurant scene started getting national attention, many people celebrated the city’s emphasis on hyper-locality, farm-to-table dining, and artisan...

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