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529 Posts

Portland’s Best Halal Restaurants

Montavilla neighbors are all long familiar with Ya Hala from chef Mirna Attar, which has served Lebanese food on Stark Street for more than two...

10 Superb French Restaurants to Try in Portland

Escargot. | Bergerac French restaurants in Portland — like much of the city’s cuisine — vary in levels of traditionalism. Some,...

The Best Tamales in Portland and Beyond

Wrapped tamales from Tamale Boy. | Tamale Boy When trying to track down top-tier tamales, there are more places to look...

The Best Happy Hours Spotted Across Portland

This converted Victorian — with its rustic indoor, patio, and garden seating — is a mainstay for bourbon fans, but its happy hour is an...

Where to Find the Best Pizzas in Portland and Beyond

Pop Pizza. | Pop Pizza As divisive as it is when anyone says it, multiple national pizza aficionados have called Portland...

Don’t Call the Pronto Pup a Corn Dog

Along the side of Highway 101 on the Oregon Coast, a giant 30-foot fiberglass corn dog, complete with a zigzag of yellow mustard, looms over...

I Dine at Roughly 300 Restaurants a Year — And This Is the One I Keep Coming Back to

On a Wednesday night, the dining room of Alberta Street Spanish restaurant Urdaneta is a rush of white noise: casual chatter from diners sitting at...

This New Food Cart Is Celebrating the Fish Taco Culture of Ensenada, Mexico

While Juan Flores and Lizbeth Sanchez were growing up in Baja California, fresh seafood was a part of their daily lives. The two met in...

A Sleek, Mediterranean Wine Bar Will Replace the Maximalist Icarus Downtown

In October, Portland restaurant group Sesame Collective opened a maximalist cocktail bar downtown called Icarus. The bar served elaborate, goofy cocktails with over-the-top touches, like...

Oregon Mussels Sickened at Least 20 People This Weekend

An outbreak of paralytic shellfish poisoning sickened at least 20 people who ate Oregon Coast mussels this weekend, sending some to the hospital. The Oregon...

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