Video: Phoenix Jones in a fistfight

Seattle’s self-proclaimed superhero Phoenix Jones is making yet another online splash after posting a video of himself fighting with a man in the University District. Jones said the man was yelling and pounding on a car, then used racial slurs.

Jones and his unnamed opponent agreed to “mutual combat” and shook hands before the fight, according to Jones’ YouTube channel. Read all about it.

Visit’s home page for more Seattle news. Contact Amy Rolph at Find

Seattle’s self-proclaimed superhero Phoenix Jones is making yet another online splash after posting a video of himself fighting with a man in the University District. Jones said the man was yelling and pounding on a car, then used racial slurs.

Jones and his unnamed opponent agreed to “mutual combat” and shook hands before the fight, according to Jones’ YouTube channel. Read all about it.

Visit’s home page for more Seattle news. Contact Amy Rolph at Find more of her stories on Twitter via @amyrolph and @bigblog or subscribe to her updates on Facebook.

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